
thrive vs strive

興旺,繁榮;成功, to prosper; be fortunate or successful. e.g. The real estate business is thriving.
茁壯成長;茂盛生長 to grow or develop vigorously; flourish. e.g. Rice thrives in this hot weather.

努力,苦幹,奮鬥, to exert oneself vigorously; try hard. e.g. This is the goal we are striving toward.
反抗,鬥爭[(+against/with)], to struggle vigorously, as in opposition or resistance. e.g. The swimmer strove against the tide.


substance 為何變成毒品的意思?

Primary care: 就是指美國一般的家庭醫生 (general doctor),非專科醫生 (specialist)。

Pernicious: 有害的,有毒的;惡性的,致命的,邪惡的 causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful; deadly; fatal, Obsolete. evil. e.g. a pernicious disease, pernicious peer pressures

escalate: 使逐步上升(增強或擴大);使(戰爭)逐步升級 to increase in intensity, magnitude, etc. e.g. to escalate a war; a time when prices escalate.

物質, 實質;本質;實體;本體, that of which a thing consists; physical matter or material, e.g. Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water.
本旨,主旨;要義;真義 the subject matter of thought, discourse, study, e.g. The substance of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.
財產,財物 possessions, means, or wealth, e.g. Later he became a man of substance.

Job stress is far and away the leading source of stress for adults but stress levels have also escalated in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly for other reasons, including: increased crime, violence and other threats to personal safety; pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits; social isolation and loneliness; the erosion of family and religious values and ties; the loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters.

erosion: 侵蝕;腐蝕 the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc. e.g. Soil erosion by rain and wind is a serious problem here.

buster: (n)
破壞者;有巨大破壞力的東西, a person who breaks up something, e.g. crime busters. something that is very big or unusual for its kind.

bust up: (verb phrase)
to break up; separate, e.g. Sam and his wife busted up a year ago.
to damage or destroy, e.g. Soldiers got in a fight and busted up the bar.




1. "Put a dent in the universe",dent是凹痕、刻痕的意思,"Put a dent in the universe"就是在宇宙留下刻痕。

2. along the way 表示"一路走來",有時是真的走路,也常用來比喻人生路途。長得像但意思不同的是by the way意思為"在途中,附帶說說",on the way 意思是"來到,接近,在進行中",in the way為"擋道的,妨礙人的"之意。

3. zigzag : zig和zag兩個字意思一樣,都是急轉彎的意思,合起來可想而知是彎彎曲曲,就像Z字型這般。

4. pay off: 得到報償。這字經常出現在商業雜誌上,意懂但不容易用,因為意思很多。也可以當清償、成功取得、賄賂,或老闆把錢付給員工請他走路,也叫pay off。