
Fortune vol 158 VI

bazooka: 火箭筒;火箭砲, a tube-shaped, portable rocket launcher that fires a rocket capable of penetrating several inches of armor plate, as of a tank or other armored military vehicle.

asterisk: 星號;星狀物, a small starlike symbol (*), used in writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc. 可做為名詞及動詞之用.

buoy: 浮標,浮筒, 救生圈,救生衣, Nautical. a distinctively shaped and marked float, sometimes carrying a signal or signals, anchored to mark a channel, anchorage, navigational hazard, etc., or to provide a mooring place away from the shore; 支持;鼓勵, to keep afloat or support by or as if by a life buoy; keep from sinking

例句: The current plan is to let them grow until 2010, in order to buoy the housing market, and then cut them down to a manageable size. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p82)

任期, status granted to an employee, usually after a probationary period, indicating that the position or employment is permanent. 【主美】(教授等的)終身職位

treacherous: 背叛的;不忠的;奸詐的, characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust, deceptive, untrustworthy, or unreliable

heyday: 全盛期, the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success

peripatetic: 徘徊的;漫遊的;流動的, walking or traveling about, 可做為形容詞及名詞之用

cuff: 袖口, a fold or band serving as a trimming or finish for the bottom of a sleeve, 手銬[P], 可做為名詞及動詞之用


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: 敷衍的,馬虎的;得過且過的, performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial

例句: He gives one the sense that his visit or call is not perfunctory. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

蹣跚,搖晃;站不穩;動搖. To walk or move unsteadily or unsurely; totter

anathema: 被詛咒者;令人厭惡者, a person or thing detested or loathed, a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction

例句: The notion of bailing out borrowers who were teetering on the edge of default was anathema to Republicans. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

unprecedented: 無先例的,空前的, without previous instance; never before known or experienced

opacity: 不透明, 曖昧;難懂, obscurity of meaning

例句: It created a system that was unprecedented in its complexity and opacity. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

最高點;頂點;極點, the highest or most distant point; climax

mesmerize: 對...施催眠術, 迷住;迷惑, to hypnotize, to spellbind; fascinate

例句: As for the Wall Street bankers who should have known better, they were mesmerized by the beauty of their creations. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

貌似真實的,貌似有理的, having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable

例句: In the real world, not the mathematical one, a lot of those who never had any plausible chance of repaying them. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

騷動;爭論;爭吵, a quarrel; argument

vengeance: 報復;報仇,復仇, Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution


Fortune vol 158 IV

Paul Newman 昨天去世了, 真是惋惜啊, 也很震驚. 若是哪天 Sean Connery, Robert Redford, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino 也走了的話, 影壇真是沒幾個老帥哥了.

昨天忙到電腦一整天都沒開, 真是的. 星期日一早, 趕快把今天的學習完成, 免得週末變的懶散.

: 深思熟慮, to study or ruminate; ponder.

例句: After mulling things over some more, Paulson realized that he was also worried about failing and what that would mean for him. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p76)

fringe: 穗狀物;(頭髮的)劉海, 在...上裝以緣飾, 從屬的, 附加的, 可當名詞, 動詞, 形容詞.

例句: She wore her hair in a fringe. The ancient city was fringed with wall. One fringe benefit was...

snide: 卑鄙的, erogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner

例句: His patience is tested when Democrats make snide remarks to him about the President, but he won't push back. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p76)

刻薄的,譏諷的, severely critical or sarcastic; 尖利刺人的; 腐蝕性的, capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue.

rampant: 蔓延的, 猖獗的, violent in action or spirit; raging; furious

dilapidated: 荒廢的, reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect

例句: Last year he ordered a makeover of the dilapidated gym in the basement of the Treasury Building. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

令人怯步的;使人氣餒的, discouraging through fear

例句: His can-do spirit is valuable when tackling daunting problems, but it is less helpful in spotting trouble on the horizon. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

以重音讀出, to mark or pronounce with an accent; 強調;使更突出, to give emphasis or prominence to, i.e. accentuate the positive

緊張不安的;神經過敏的, extremely tense and nervous; jumpy; i.e. jittery investors


Fortune vol. 158 III

國會到底在幹嗎?Bailout 不通過,台灣股市一直掉.看來是要等到下週了.

grueling: 累垮人的;令人受不了的, exhausting; very tiring; arduously severe

例句: Such is the grueling, not-so-glamorous life of the former CEO of Goldman Sachs... (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

無能力的人;不中用的人(物), a person or thing that is disabled, helpless, ineffective, or inefficient

例句: He is working for an unpopular, lame-duck President and a Congress run by Democrats that is reluctant to take risks during an election year. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

堅持的,頑強的,固執的, pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate

polarize: 給予...極性;使極化, to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.

例句: That is a tough job under ideal circumstances, and tougher still in the polarized, distrustful political culture of Washington in 2008. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

熱情的;熱望的;積極的, marked by active interest and enthusiasm

例句: Paulson's most valuable asset has been his zealous pragmatism, which has enabled him to cut trhough the partisanship and build strong relationships across party lines. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

unfettered: 被除去腳鐐的, 解脫的;自由自在的, not bound by shackles and chains

例句: Paulson's critics tend to be strong believers in unfettered markets who say that the Treasury Secretary has overreacted, lurching from crisis to crisis without considering the consequences of government's expanded role. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

規勸;告誡, to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently

例句: More than anyone, he has exhorted the White House and Congress to think seriously about finding the right balance between the free market and role for government. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p74)

bromide: 陳詞濫調

thwart: 反對,阻撓;使受挫折;挫敗, to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose

例句: He worked to expand trade but was thwarted by Democrats in Congress. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p74)

balk: 畏怯,猶豫, to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified


Fortune vol. 158 II


: (用酸類在金屬板上)蝕刻,鮮明地描述,engrave with an acid or the like, as to form a design in furrows that when charged with ink will give an impression on paper

ruminate: 反芻,沈思,反覆思考,to meditate or muse; ponder.

例句:I stood there for a good 15 minutes ruminating on how this quote resonated with me. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p42)

trepidation: 驚恐,慌張,不安,tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation

例句:I always approached it with great trepidation, worried I wouldn't be any good. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p42)

poach: 用文火煮;隔水燉,i.e.poached eggs 水煮(蛋),偷獵;偷捕,to take game or fish illegally,侵佔,侵犯;竊取

例句:Competitors have tried to eat into Goldman's share, often by poaching traders from Ealet's staff. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p44)

nascent: 初期的;未成熟的,beginning to exist or develop

glut: (商品的)供應過多,to flood (the market) with a particular item or service so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand.可以當動詞及名詞

例句:There is a glut of social-networking ad inventory on the market. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p52)

(鳥等)盤旋;(直升飛機)停留在空中, to hang fluttering or suspended in the air; 徘徊;停留, to keep lingering about; wait near at hand; 猶豫,徬徨, to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state

例句: The helicopter hovered over the house. She is hovering between life and death.

juggernaut: 駭人的毀滅力量, any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.

inception: 開始,開端,起初, beginning; start; commencement

turbine: 渦輪(機),葉輪(機), any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and entirely filling a housing around the rotor.


Fortune vol. 158 I


不斷的,一再的,lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring; perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent. 可以當形容詞及名詞.

例句:Politicians are perennial favorites when it comes to Halloween guise. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p28)

補助的, 補充的, auxiliary; assisting

句:It is just one of the ancillary ways the 2008 presidential campaign contributes to the overall economy. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p28)

極度的, 猛烈的; very fast or rapid. 可以當形容詞及名詞.

例句:US growth 1.8% is not blistering, but still the fastest growth of all the G-7 countries. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p36)

昏了頭; 昏倒; to faint; lose consciousness. 可以當動詞及名詞

句:the lack of confidence in financial institutions and market swoons that have eaten into investors' portfolios. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p36)

陰險的;狡詐的;隱伏的, stealthily treacherous or deceitful, operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect

altruism: 利他主義;利他行為

例句:Don't mistake the savings-oriented ads for altruism on the part of banks. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p38)

使生氣;使痛苦;使煩惱;使困惑, to irritate; annoy; provoke, to torment; trouble; distress; plague; worry

例句:Global economic turmoil vexes both presidential candidates. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p40)

援助;支持, to support with or as with a pillow or cushion. to add to, support, or uphold. 可以當動詞及名詞

例句:Obama bolsters the middle class. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p40)

潛伏,埋伏; to exist unperceived or unsuspected. 可以當動詞及名詞

例句:the danger lurks beyond. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p40)