
Fortune vol 158 V


: 敷衍的,馬虎的;得過且過的, performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial

例句: He gives one the sense that his visit or call is not perfunctory. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

蹣跚,搖晃;站不穩;動搖. To walk or move unsteadily or unsurely; totter

anathema: 被詛咒者;令人厭惡者, a person or thing detested or loathed, a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction

例句: The notion of bailing out borrowers who were teetering on the edge of default was anathema to Republicans. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)

unprecedented: 無先例的,空前的, without previous instance; never before known or experienced

opacity: 不透明, 曖昧;難懂, obscurity of meaning

例句: It created a system that was unprecedented in its complexity and opacity. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

最高點;頂點;極點, the highest or most distant point; climax

mesmerize: 對...施催眠術, 迷住;迷惑, to hypnotize, to spellbind; fascinate

例句: As for the Wall Street bankers who should have known better, they were mesmerized by the beauty of their creations. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

貌似真實的,貌似有理的, having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable

例句: In the real world, not the mathematical one, a lot of those who never had any plausible chance of repaying them. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p80)

騷動;爭論;爭吵, a quarrel; argument

vengeance: 報復;報仇,復仇, Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution
