
Fortune vol. 158 II


: (用酸類在金屬板上)蝕刻,鮮明地描述,engrave with an acid or the like, as to form a design in furrows that when charged with ink will give an impression on paper

ruminate: 反芻,沈思,反覆思考,to meditate or muse; ponder.

例句:I stood there for a good 15 minutes ruminating on how this quote resonated with me. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p42)

trepidation: 驚恐,慌張,不安,tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation

例句:I always approached it with great trepidation, worried I wouldn't be any good. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p42)

poach: 用文火煮;隔水燉,i.e.poached eggs 水煮(蛋),偷獵;偷捕,to take game or fish illegally,侵佔,侵犯;竊取

例句:Competitors have tried to eat into Goldman's share, often by poaching traders from Ealet's staff. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p44)

nascent: 初期的;未成熟的,beginning to exist or develop

glut: (商品的)供應過多,to flood (the market) with a particular item or service so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand.可以當動詞及名詞

例句:There is a glut of social-networking ad inventory on the market. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p52)

(鳥等)盤旋;(直升飛機)停留在空中, to hang fluttering or suspended in the air; 徘徊;停留, to keep lingering about; wait near at hand; 猶豫,徬徨, to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state

例句: The helicopter hovered over the house. She is hovering between life and death.

juggernaut: 駭人的毀滅力量, any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.

inception: 開始,開端,起初, beginning; start; commencement

turbine: 渦輪(機),葉輪(機), any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and entirely filling a housing around the rotor.
