Paul Newman 昨天去世了, 真是惋惜啊, 也很震驚. 若是哪天 Sean Connery, Robert Redford, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino 也走了的話, 影壇真是沒幾個老帥哥了.
昨天忙到電腦一整天都沒開, 真是的. 星期日一早, 趕快把今天的學習完成, 免得週末變的懶散.
mull: 深思熟慮, to study or ruminate; ponder.
例句: After mulling things over some more, Paulson realized that he was also worried about failing and what that would mean for him. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p76)
fringe: 穗狀物;(頭髮的)劉海, 在...上裝以緣飾, 從屬的, 附加的, 可當名詞, 動詞, 形容詞.
例句: She wore her hair in a fringe. The ancient city was fringed with wall. One fringe benefit was...
snide: 卑鄙的, erogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner
例句: His patience is tested when Democrats make snide remarks to him about the President, but he won't push back. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p76)
caustic: 刻薄的,譏諷的, severely critical or sarcastic; 尖利刺人的; 腐蝕性的, capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue.
rampant: 蔓延的, 猖獗的, violent in action or spirit; raging; furious
dilapidated: 荒廢的, reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect
例句: Last year he ordered a makeover of the dilapidated gym in the basement of the Treasury Building. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)
daunting: 令人怯步的;使人氣餒的, discouraging through fear
例句: His can-do spirit is valuable when tackling daunting problems, but it is less helpful in spotting trouble on the horizon. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p78)
accentuate: 以重音讀出, to mark or pronounce with an accent; 強調;使更突出, to give emphasis or prominence to, i.e. accentuate the positive
jittery: 緊張不安的;神經過敏的, extremely tense and nervous; jumpy; i.e. jittery investors