
Fortune vol. 158 III

國會到底在幹嗎?Bailout 不通過,台灣股市一直掉.看來是要等到下週了.

grueling: 累垮人的;令人受不了的, exhausting; very tiring; arduously severe

例句: Such is the grueling, not-so-glamorous life of the former CEO of Goldman Sachs... (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

無能力的人;不中用的人(物), a person or thing that is disabled, helpless, ineffective, or inefficient

例句: He is working for an unpopular, lame-duck President and a Congress run by Democrats that is reluctant to take risks during an election year. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

堅持的,頑強的,固執的, pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate

polarize: 給予...極性;使極化, to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.

例句: That is a tough job under ideal circumstances, and tougher still in the polarized, distrustful political culture of Washington in 2008. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

熱情的;熱望的;積極的, marked by active interest and enthusiasm

例句: Paulson's most valuable asset has been his zealous pragmatism, which has enabled him to cut trhough the partisanship and build strong relationships across party lines. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

unfettered: 被除去腳鐐的, 解脫的;自由自在的, not bound by shackles and chains

例句: Paulson's critics tend to be strong believers in unfettered markets who say that the Treasury Secretary has overreacted, lurching from crisis to crisis without considering the consequences of government's expanded role. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p70)

規勸;告誡, to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently

例句: More than anyone, he has exhorted the White House and Congress to think seriously about finding the right balance between the free market and role for government. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p74)

bromide: 陳詞濫調

thwart: 反對,阻撓;使受挫折;挫敗, to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose

例句: He worked to expand trade but was thwarted by Democrats in Congress. (出自Fortune Vol. 158, p74)

balk: 畏怯,猶豫, to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified
